Фразовые глаголы: on и off (продолжение)
Глагол + on = продолжать делать что-либо
drive on / walk on / play on = продолжать walking/driving/playing (идти/ехать/играть и др.
- Shall we stop at this petrol station or shall we drive on to the next one?
Остановимся на этой заправке или доедем до следующей?
go on = continue = продолжать
- The party went on until 4 o’clock in the morning.
Вечеринка продолжалась до 4 часов утра.
go on / carry on (doing something) = continue (doing something) = продолжать (делать что-то)
- We can’t go on spending money like this. We’ll have nothing left soon.
Мы не можем продолжать так разбрасываться деньгами. У нас скоро ничего не останется. - I don’t want to carry on working here. I’m going to look for another job.
Я не хочу больше (досл.: продолжать) здесь работать. Я поищу другую работу.
Также go on with / carry on with something
- Don’t let me disturb you. Please carry on with what you’re doing.
Не обращайте на меня внимания (досл.: не разрешайте мне беспокоить вас), пожалуйста, продолжайте делать то, что делаете.
keep on doing something = do it continuously or repeatedly = делать постоянно или часто
- He keeps on criticising me. I’m fed up with it!
Он продолжает меня критиковать. Мне это уже надоело!
Get on
get on = progress = продвигаться (о прогрессе)
- How are you getting on in your new job? (= How is it going?)
Как продвигаются дела на новой работе?
get on (with somebody) = have a good relationship = иметь хорошие отношения, ладить
- Joanne and Karen don’t get on. They’re always arguing.
Джоанна и Карен не ладят (друг с другом). Они всегда ссорятся. - Richard gets on well with his neighbours. They’re all very friendly.
Ричард хорошо ладит со своими соседями. Они все очень дружелюбные.
get on with something = продолжать делать то, что вам нужно сделать, обычно после какого-либо перерыва
- I must get on with my work. I have a lot to do.
Мне надо продолжить делать работу, у меня её много.
Глагол + off
doze off / drop off / nod off = fall asleep = задремать
- The lecture wasn’t very interesting. In fact I dropped off in the middle of it.
Лекция не была очень интересной. На самом деле, я задремал в середине лекции.
finish something off = do the last part of something = закончить, завершить последнюю часть чего-либо
- A: Have you finished painting the kitchen?
B: Nearly. I’ll finish it off tomorrow.
Ты закончил красить на кухне?
Почти. Я закончу завтра.
go off = explode = взрываться
- A bomb went off in the city centre, but fortunately nobody was hurt.
Бомба взорвалась в центре города, но, к счастью, никто не пострадал.
Также an alarm (1. сигнал тревоги 2. будильник 3. сигнализация) может go off = ring = звенеть; звучать
- Did you hear the alarm go off?
Ты слышал, как сработала сигнализация?
put somebody off (doing something) = cause somebody not to want something or to do something = по какой-либо причине не хотеть что-либо (делать)
- We wanted to go to the exhibition, but we were put off by the long queue.
Мы хотели пойти на выставку, но нас отпугнула длинная очередь. - What put you off applying for the job? Was the salary too low?
Что отпугнуло тебя от подачи заявления о приеме на работу? Низкая зарплата?
rip somebody off = cheat somebody (informal) = запрашивать слишком высокую цену; вымогать деньги (разговорный)
- Did you really pay £1,000 for that painting? I think you were ripped off. (= you paid too much)
Ты правда заплатил £1000 за эту картину? Я думаю, что тебя надули.
show off = try to impress people with your ability, your knowledge etc. = хвастаться, красоваться, рисоваться (пытаться удивить людей своими способностями, знаниями и др.)
- Look at that boy on the bike riding with no hands. He’s just showing off.
Посмотри на того мальчика, который едет на велосипеде без рук. Он просто выпендривается.
tell somebody off = speak angrily to somebody because they did something wrong = ругать; отчитывать, бранить (говорить сердито с кем-то из-за того, что они сделали что-то неправильно
- Clare’s mother told her off for wearing dirty shoes in the house.
Мать Клэр отчитала ее за то, что она носит грязную обувь в доме.
1. Замените выделенные слова аналогичным по значению фразовым глаголом с on или off.
- Did you hear the bomb explode?
Did you hear the bomb ? - The meeting continued longer than I expected.
The meeting longer than I expected. - We didn’t stop to rest. We continued walking.
We didn’t stop to rest. We . - I fell asleep while I was watching TV.
I while I was watching TV. - Gary doesn’t want to retire. He wants to continue working.
Gary doesn’t want to retire. He wants to working. - The fire alarm rang in the middle of the night.
The fire alarm in the middle of the night. - Martin phones me continuously. It’s very annoying.
Martin . It’s very annoying.
2. Закончите каждое предложение, используя глагол + on или off.
- We can’t spending money like this. We’ll have nothing left soon.
- I was standing by the car when suddenly the alarm .
- I’m not ready to go home yet. I have a few things to .
- ‘Shall I stop the car here?’ ‘No, .’
- Bill paid too much for the car he bought. I think he was .
- ‘Is Emma enjoying her course at university?’ ‘Yes, she’s very well.’
- I was very tired at work today. I nearly at my desk a couple of times.
- Ben was by his boss for being late for work repeatedly.
- I really like working with my colleagues. We all really well together.
- There was a very loud noise. It sounded like a bomb .
- I making the same mistake. It’s very frustrating.
- I’ve just had a coffee break, and now I must with my work.
- Peter is always trying to impress people. He’s always .
- We decided not to go into the museum. We were by the cost of tickets.

3. Закончите предложения. Используйте следующие глаголы (в правильной форме) + on или off. Иногда вам понадобятся и другие слова.
carry finish get get get go rip tell
- A: How in your new job?
B: Fine, thanks. It’s going very well. - A: Have you written the letter you had to write?
B: I’ve started it. I’ll in the morning. - A: We took a taxi to the airport. It cost £40.
B: £40! Normally it costs about £20. You . - A: Why were you late for work this morning?
B: I overslept. My alarm clock didn’t . - A: How in your interview? Do you think you’ll get the job?
B: I hope so. The interview was OK. - A: Did you stop playing tennis when it started to rain?
B: No, we . The rain wasn’t very heavy. - A: Some children at the next table in the restaurant were behaving very badly.
B: Why didn’t their parents ? - A: Why does Paul want to leave his job?
B: He his boss.