Глагол + предлоги: in / into / with / to / on
believe IN ...
- Do you believe in God? (= Do you believe that God exists?)
Вы верите в Бога? - I believe in saying what I think. (= I believe it is right to say what I think)
Я считаю, что нужно говорить то, что думаешь.
‘believe something’ (= верить, что это правда), ‘believe somebody’ (= верить в то, что они говорят правду)
- The story can’t be true. I don’t believe it. (not
believe in it)
Эта история не может быть правдой. Я не верю (этому).
specialise IN ...
- Helen is a lawyer. She specialises in company law.
Елена – юрист. Она специализируется на корпоративном праве.
succeed IN ... – достигать цели, преуспевать
- I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.
Я надеюсь, что тебе удастся найти работу, которую ты хочешь.
break INTO ... – вламываться, проникнуть в помещение путём преодоления физического препятствия; взломать
- Our house was broken into a few days ago, but nothing was stolen.
В наш дом проникли несколько дней назад, но ничего не украли.
crash / drive / bump / run INTO ...
- He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.
Он потерял управление машиной и врезался в стену.
divide / cut / split something INTO two or more parts
- The book is divided into three parts.
Книга состоит из трёх частей.
translate a book etc. FROM one language INTO another
- Ernest Hemingway’s books have been translated into many languages.
Книги Эрнеста Хемингуэя переведены на многие языки.
collide WITH ...
- There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.
Этим утром произошла авария. Автобус столкнулся с машиной.
fill something WITH ... (но full of... - см. урок 131B)
- Take this saucepan and fill it with water.
Возьми эту кастрюлю и наполни ее водой.
provide / supply somebody WITH ...
- The school provides all its students with books.
Школа обеспечивает всех своих учеников книгами.
happen TO ...
- What happened to that gold watch you used to have? (= where is it now?)
Что случилось с золотыми часами, которые ты раньше носил?
invite somebody TO a party / a wedding etc.
- They only invited a few people to their wedding.
Они пригласили только несколько человек на свою свадьбу.
prefer one thing/person TO another
- I prefer tea to coffee.
Я предпочитаю чай (а не) кофе.
concentrate ON ...
- Don’t look out of the window. Concentrate on your work.
Не смотри в окно. Сосредоточься на своей работе.
insist ON ...
- I wanted to go alone, but some friends of mine insisted on coming with me.
Я хотел пойти один, но (некоторые) мои друзья настояли на том, чтобы пойти со мной.
spend (money) ON ...
- How much do you spend on food each week?
Сколько ты тратишь на еду каждую неделю?
1. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое.
- There was a collision between a bus and a car.
- I don’t mind big cities, but I prefer small towns.
- I got all the information I needed from Jane.
- This morning I bought a pair of shoes, which cost £70.
2. Закончите предложения, используя следующие глаголы (в правильной форме) + правильный предлог:
believe concentrate divide drive fill happen insist invite succeed
- I wanted to go alone, but Sue coming with me.
- I haven’t seen Mike for ages. I wonder what has him.
- We’ve been the party, but unfortunately we can’t go.
- It’s a very large house. It’s four flats.
- I don’t ghosts. I think people only imagine that they see them.
- Steve gave me an empty bucket and told me to it water.
- I was driving along when the car in front of me stopped suddenly. Unfortunately I couldn’t stop in time and the back of it.
- Don’t try and do two things together. one thing at a time.
- It wasn’t easy, but in the end we finding a solution to the problem.
3. Вставьте правильный предлог. Если предлог не нужен, оставьте поле ввода пустым.
- The school provides all its students books.
- A strange thing happened me a few days ago.
- Mark decided to give up sport so that he could concentrate his studies.
- I don’t believe working very hard. It’s not worth it.
- My present job isn’t wonderful, but I prefer it what I did before.
- I hope you succeed getting what you want.
- As I was coming out of the room, I collided somebody who was coming in.
- There was an awful noise as the car crashed a tree.
- Patrick is a photographer. He specialises sports photography.
- Do you spend much money clothes?
- The country is divided six regions.
- I prefer travelling by train driving. It’s much more pleasant.
- I was amazed when Joe walked into the room. I couldn’t believe it.
- Somebody broke my car and stole the radio.
- I was quite cold, but Tom insisted having the window open.
- Some words are difficult to translate one language another.
- What happened the money I lent you? What did you spend it ?
- The teacher decided to split the class four groups.
- I filled the tank, but unfortunately I filled it the wrong kind of petrol.

4. Закончите эти предложения, используя свои собственные идеи. Используйте предлог.
- I wanted to go out alone, but my friend insisted
- I spend a lot of money
- I saw the accident. The car crashed
- Chris prefers basketball
- Shakespeare’s plays have been translated