Present perfect и past simple 2 (I have done и I did)
Не используйте present perfect (I have done), когда вы говорите о завершенном (например, yesterday / ten minutes ago / in 2009 / when I was a child). Используйте для этого прошедшее время:
- It was very cold yesterday. (not
has been) - Paul and Lucy arrived ten minutes ago. (not
have arrived) - Did you eat a lot of sweets when you were a child? (not
have you eaten) - I got home late last night. I was very tired and went straight to bed.
Используйте прошедшее время, чтобы спросить When ... ? or What time ... ?:
- When did your friends arrive? (not
have ... arrived) - What time did you finish work?
Present perfect
Past simple
- Tom has lost his key. He can’t get into the house.
- Is Carla here or has she left?
- Tom lost his key yesterday. He couldn’t get into the house.
- When did Carla leave?
Present perfect (have done)
Past simple (did)
- I’ve done a lot of work today.
- I did a lot of work yesterday.
Мы используем present perfect, говоря о промежутке времени, который продолжается до настоящего момента. Например:
today / this week / since 1985.
Мы используем past simple, говоря о законченном времени в прошлом. Например:
yesterday / last week / from 1995 to 2001.
◇ It hasn’t rained this week.
◇ It didn’t rain last week.
◇ Have you seen Anna this morning? (сейчас всё ещё утро)
◇ Did you see Anna this morning? (сейчас день или вечер)
◇ Have you seen Tim recently?
◇ Did you see Tim on Sunday?
◇ I don’t know where Lisa is. I haven’t seen her. (= I haven’t seen her recently)
◇ A: Was Lisa at the party on Sunday?
B: I don’t think so. I didn’t see her.
◇ We’ve been waiting for an hour. (мы всё ещё ждём)
◇ We waited (or were waiting) for an hour. (мы уже не ждём)
◇ Ian lives in London. He has lived there for seven years.
◇ Ian lived in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.
◇ I have never played golf. (in my life)
◇ I didn’t play golf last summer.
◇ Последний день вашего отпуска, вы говорите:
It’s been a really good holiday. I’ve really enjoyed it.
◇ После того, как вы вернулись из отпуска:
It was a really good holiday. I really enjoyed it.
1. Находятся ли выделенные части этих предложений в правильной грамматической форме? Исправьте их, если необходимо.
2. Составьте предложения из слов в скобках. Используйте present perfect или past simple.
- (it / not / rain / this week)
- (the weather / be / cold / recently)
- (it / cold / last week)
- (I / not / read / a newspaper yesterday) I
- (I / not / read / a newspaper today)
- (Emily / earn / a lot of money / this year)
- (she / not / earn / so much / last year)
- (you / have / a holiday recently?)
3. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму: present perfect или past simple.
- I don’t know where Lisa is. (you / see) her?
- When I (get) home last night, I (be) very tired and I (go) straight to bed.
- A: (you / finish) painting the bedroom?
B: Not yet. I’ll finish it tomorrow. - George (not / be) very well last week.
- Mr Clark (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
- Molly lives in Dublin. She (live) there all her life.
- A: (you / go) to the cinema last night?
B: Yes, but it (be) a mistake. The film (be) awful. - My grandfather (die) before I was born. I (never / meet) him.
- I don’t know Carol’s husband. I (never / meet) him.
- A: Is Martin here? B: No, he (go) out.
A: When exactly (he / go) out? B: About ten minutes ago. - A: Where do you live? B: In Boston.
A: How long (you / live) there? B: Five years.
A: Where (you / live) before that? B: In Chicago.
A: And how long (you / live) in Chicago? B: Two years.

4. Напишите предложения о себе, используя мысли в скобках.
- (something you haven’t done today)
- (something you haven’t done today)
- (something you didn’t do yesterday)
- (something you did yesterday evening)
- (something you haven’t done recently)
- (something you’ve done a lot recently)