Предлоги in / at / on (другое использование)

Урок 127

Выражения с in

in the rain / in the sun (= sunshine) / in the shade / in the dark / in bad weather и др.

  • We sat in the shade. It was too hot to sit in the sun.
    Мы сидели в тени. Было слишком жарко, чтобы сидеть на солнце.
  • Don’t go out in the rain. Wait until it stops.
    Не выходи на улицу в дождь. Подожди, пока он закончится.

(писать) in ink (чернилами) / in biro (/ˈbʌɪrəʊ/ шариковой ручкой) / in pen / in pencil

  • When you do the exam, you’re not allowed to write in pencil.
    Когда вы сдаете экзамен, не разрешается писать карандашом.

Также (write) in words / in figures (цифрами, например, 1 вместо ‘один’) / in BLOCK CAPITALS и др.

  • Please write your name in block capitals.
    Пожалуйста, напишите своё имя прописными буквами.
  • Write the story in your own words. (= don’t copy somebody else)
    Напишите рассказ своими словами.

(be/fall) in love (with somebody)

  • Have you ever been in love with anybody?
    Ты когда-нибудь был в кого-нибудь влюблен?

in (my) opinion

  • In my opinion, the film wasn’t very good.
    По моему мнению (на мой взгляд), фильм был не очень хороший.

At the age of ... и др.

Мы говорим ‘at the age of 16 / at 120 miles an hour / at 100 degrees и др.’:

  • Tracy left school at 16. or ... at the age of 16.
    Трейси закончила школу в 16 (лет).
  • The train was travelling at 120 miles an hour.
    Поезд шел со скоростью 120 миль в час.
  • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
    Вода закипает при 100 градусах по Цельсию.
We are now flying at a speed of 800 kilometres an hour and at an altitude of 9,000 metres.

Сейчас мы летим со скоростью 800 километров в час на высоте 9000 метров.


On holiday / on a tour и др.

Мы говорим: (be/go) on holiday / on business / on a trip / on a tour / on a cruise и др.

  • I’m going on holiday next week.
    Я собираюсь в отпуск на следующей неделе.
  • Emma’s away on business at the moment.
    В данный момент Эмма уехала по делам/в командировку.
  • One day I’d like to go on a world tour.
    Однажды я бы хотел отправиться в путешествие вокруг света.

Вы также можете сказать ‘go to a place for a holiday / for my holiday(s)’:

  • Steve has gone to France for a holiday.
    Стив уехал во Францию в отпуск/отдыхать.

Другие выражения с on

on television / on the radio

  • I didn’t watch the news on television, but I heard it on the radio.
    Я не смотрел новости по телевидению, но я слышал их по радио.

on the phone/telephone

  • I’ve never met her, but I’ve spoken to her on the phone a few times.
    Я никогда ее не встречал, но я разговаривал с ней по телефону несколько раз.

(be/go) on strike

  • There are no trains today. The drivers are on strike.
    Сегодня нет поездов. Водители бастуют/на забастовке.

(be/go) on a diet

  • I’ve put on a lot of weight. I’ll have to go on a diet.
    Я сильно растолстел. Мне нужно сесть на диету.

(be) on fire

  • Look! That car is on fire.
    Смотри! Та машина горит/в огне.

on the whole (= in general)

  • Sometimes I have problems at work, but on the whole I enjoy my job.
    Иногда у меня есть проблемы на работе, но в целом я люблю свою работу.

on purpose (= intentionally)

  • I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to annoy you. I didn’t do it on purpose.
    Извини. Я не хотел тебе надоедать. Я не делал это нарочно (намеренно/специально).


1. Закончите предложения, используя in + следующее:

block capitals
cold weather
the rain
the shade
my opinion
  1. Don’t go out . Wait until it stops.
  2. Matt likes to keep warm, so he doesn’t go out much .
  3. It you write and make a mistake, you can rub it out and correct it.
  4. They fell almost immediately and were married in a few weeks.
  5. Please write your address clearly, preferably .
  6. It’s too hot in the sun. I’m going to sit .
  7. Amanda thought the restaurant was OK, but it wasn’t very good.


2. Закончите предложения, используя on + следующее:

a diet
a tour
the phone
the whole
  1. Look! That car is ! Somebody call the fire brigade.
  2. Workers at the factory have gone for better pay and conditions.
  3. Soon after we arrived, we were taken of the city.
  4. I feel lazy this evening. Is there anything worth watching ?
  5. I’m sorry. It was an accident. I didn’t do it .
  6. Richard has put on a lot of weight recently. I think he should go .
  7. Jane’s job involves a lot of travelling. She often has to go away .
  8. A: I’m going next week.
    B: Where are you going? Somewhere nice?
  9. A: Is Sarah here?
    B: Yes, but she’s at the moment. She won’t be long.
  10. A: How was your exam?
    B: Well, there were some difficult questions, but it was OK.


3. Закончите предложения, выбрав on, in, at или for.

  1. Water boils 100 degrees Celsius.
  2. When I was 14, I went a trip to France organised by my school.
  3. There was panic when people realised that the building was fire.
  4. Julia’s grandmother died recently the age of 79.
  5. Can you turn the light on, please? I don’t want to sit the dark.
  6. We didn’t go holiday last year. We stayed at home.
  7. I’m going to Switzerland a short holiday next month.
  8. I won’t be here next week. I’ll be holiday.
  9. Technology has developed great speed.
  10. Key
  11. Alan got married 17, which is rather young to get married.
  12. I heard an interesting programme the radio this morning.
  13. my opinion, violent films should not be shown television.
  14. I wouldn’t like to go a cruise. I think I’d get bored.
  15. I mustn’t eat too much. I’m supposed to be a diet.
  16. I wouldn’t like his job. He spends most of his time talking the phone.
  17. The earth travels round the sun 107,000 kilometres an hour.
  18. ‘Did you enjoy your holiday?’ ‘Not every minute, but the whole, yes.’
  19. When you write a cheque, you have to write the amount words and figures.
