Тема / Топик по английскому языку:
Sports in America

Americans pay much attention to physical fitness. Many sports and sporting activities are popular in the USA. People participate in swimming, skating, squash and badminton, tennis, marathons, track-and-field, bowling, archery, skiing, skating etc. But the five major American sports are hockey, volleyball, baseball, football and basketball. Basketball and volleyball have been invented in America.

There is a large choice of sports in America. This can be explained by the size and variety of the country. Another reason of the popularity of sports is the people’s love of competition of any kind. One more reason is that Americans use sports activities for teaching social values, such as teamwork and sportsmanship. All this explains why Americans have traditionally done well in many kinds of sports.

Every high school offers its students many sports, such as wrestling, rowing, tennis and golf. There are no separate «universities» for sports in the USA. Students of any higher educational establishment are trained in different kinds of sports. Many colleges and universities are famous for their sports clubs. There are sports facilities at every school.

Some unusual kinds of sports originated in America. They are windsurfing, skate-boarding and triathlon. Triathlon includes swimming, bicycle racing and long-distance-running. Now these sports are becoming more and more popular in Europe.

Indeed, sports is a part of life of an average American.

Topical Vocabulary

- to pay much attention to smth.
уделять большое внимание чему-либо
physical fitness
хорошая физическая форма
sports and sporting activities
спорт и физкультура
to participate in smth.
принимать участие в чем-либо
легкая атлетика
стрельба из лука
the major sports
основные виды спорта
to be invented
быть изобретенным
- a large choice of sports
большой выбор видов спорта
the size and variety of the country
величина и разнообразие страны
a reason of the popularity of sports
причина популярности спорта
love of competition of any kind
любовь к соревнованиям любого рода
to use sports activities for teaching social values
использовать спорт для обучения социальным ценностям, стандартам
взаимодействие в работе
спортивный дух
to traditionally do well in smth.
традиционно добиваться успехов в чем-либо
- to offer sports
предлагать различные виды спорта
to be trained in smth.
получать подготовку в чем-либо
- to originate in
возникнуть, появиться в (какой-либо стране)
катание на скейте
велосипедные гонки
long-distance running
бег на длинные дистанции
- an average American
средний американец

Answer the questions:

  1. What kinds of sports are popular in the USA?
  2. What are the reasons of popularity of sports in the USA?
  3. What part do sports play in educating young people?
  4. What kinds of sports originated in America?

Translate into English:

  1. Американцы уделяют большое внимание поддержанию хорошей физической формы.
  2. Американцы занимаются многими видами спорта, в том числе самыми популярными в Америке - хоккеем, бейсболом, волейболом, футболом и баскетболом.
  3. Разнообразие видов спорта в Америке объясняется разными причинами.
  4. Одна из этих причин - любовь к любым соревнованиям.
  5. Вторая причина - размер страны.
  6. Спорт - это способ (way) обучения социальным ценностям.
  7. Американцы традиционно добиваются успехов в различных видах спорта.
  8. В Америке были изобретены такие виды спорта, как волейбол, баскетбол, триатлон, виндсерфинг и т.д.